The BMRA believes metals recycling is part of the solution, not a ‘waste’ problem. We take an active role in responding to government proposals for new legislation, particularly in relation to environmental regulation. Wherever possible, we work with policymakers and regulators at an early stage to influence arrangements before they are introduced. When policy is implemented, we continue to work with, and lobby, the relevant authorities to reduce problems for our members. At every stage, we seek to secure key:
- Continued financial viability and commercial success for our sector.
- Unfettered international movement of goods.
- Regulation which is risk based and proportionate; and based on joined up thinking between policymakers.
- Legislation which is thought through, gives adequate time for compliance and ensures a level playing field.
- Financial incentives for compliance.
- A greater focus on illegal operators.
Where appropriate, the BMRA will respond to events, changes to regulations, and wider environmental and sustainability issues. Click the links below to view current and historic BMRA Policy Positions:
- Loss of red diesel entitlement: A serious threat to the UK Metals Recycling Sector
- Metals recycling - an Agenda for Change
- Response to Scottish Government consultation on the Licensing of Metal Dealers (Apr 13)
- Coherence across producer responsibility response (Apr 13)
- Health and Safety 10 Point Plan
- Stolen Metal Action Plan