Anthony Bird (3rd left) is welcomed to the BMRA Board by (from left) James Kelly, Susie Burrage OBE and Shane Mellor after the recent AGM held in Telford


At the 2024 AGM held during the BMRA Golf Day, BMRA was delighted to welcome two new board members.

Representing small companies, Anthony Bird of International Metals and Cable Recycling.

Of his appointment he said: “It’s an honour to be appointed as a board member to the BMRA. I now look forward to making a positive difference to our recycling industry”. 

BMRA is also welcoming back Dave Weston of John Lawrie Metals to the board representing medium-sized companies. Of his appointment he said: “I am delighted to be re-appointed to the BMRA board. Having 39 years’ experience in the Metal Recycling sector and in the last 26 months becoming part of the ArcelorMittal network, should give a wealth of experience and knowledge to the UK Metal Recycling Industry”.

Welcome back to the BMRA board, Dave Weston of John Lawrie Metals


The BMRA Secretariat are led by, and accountable to, the BMRA Board which comprises representatives from different sized companies. Its Board members have the dual functions of corporate governance and representing industry views in formulating BMRA policy.

Board members are elected by the members and serve a three-year term. To view the current board visit: