Send us your photos

December's photography competition, sponsored by Recycled Products Ltd, was won by Anthony Bird of International Metals and Cable Recycling.
If you would like to take part in February's competition, send your photos to [email protected] by 19 January.
Members can send their photos in anytime and every two months the Membership and Communications Committee will select their favourite.
The winning photo will appear in Scrapbook and be the main photo on the BMRA social media pages for the two month period, as well as winning a prize.
Please avoid images with too much of your company logo exposed, the competition is to show highlights of the industry, it isn't intended to be an advert for individual companies. The winning company is fully acknowledged when we announce the winner. Please avoid the use of filters and photoshop, we like a level playing field for all entrants.
Photos that are sent in will be used by the BMRA for the website, brochures and other promotional digital and print media. Please ensure you have permission to send in the picture. We are unable to accept previously submitted photos.
Entries are only open to BMRA members.
Visit the webpage to see the pictures from previous winners.