Open to ALL members


One of the best ways for fellow members and beyond to get to know your business is to get to know you!

Life on the Yard is one of the BMRA's most popular featuresShare information about your role and company with fellow BMRA members. The interview will appear on the BMRA website, be promoted on social media, and feature in the printed publication Scrapbook and monthly email newsletter, FRAGments. The social media posts are very popular, so it is well worth taking part. 

Life on the Yard is open to ALL members (metal recyclers, international, service).

If you would like to take part, answer the below questions and return them, along with a picture of you doing your job (in full PPE if in the yard), to [email protected].

Job title:
Time spent in recycling/current role:
What does your job involve?
What is the hardest part of your job?
What three things help you to do your job better?
What are you most proud of in your career?
What is the best advice you have ever received?
Quick fire round:
Out on the town or a night in front of the TV?
Coffee or tea?
Winter or Summer?
Marmite – Love/Hate?
Invisibility or Flying?

Previous examples: